Archive for the ‘Maui’ Category
Community Challenges Governor Green’s Appointment to the Water Commission in Court
Instead of naming one of the two highly qualified candidates on the original list from the Nominating Committee, Governor Green sidestepped the law to redo the list and named his preferred candidate for the loea…
Hawai‘i’s High Court Issues Historic Ruling to Protect Nā Wai ‘Ehā
“We are grateful that the supreme court continues to understand that the health and well-being of our community is directly linked to the health and well-being of our ʻāina (land), wai (water), and kai (ocean),”…
All Hawai‘i Stands with Lahaina to Uphold Water Protections
Community leaders from across the pae ‘āina o Hawai‘i nei are speaking up in support of the Water Commission taking decisive action to reinstate the ousted Deputy Director of the Water Commission, Kaleo Manuel, and…
Maui Komohana Protected!
Aia i hea ka wai a Kāne? Where is the water of Kāne? On Maui, kamaʻāina might point to Mauna Kahālāwai, the “holding house of water,” also known as the West Maui Mountains and one…
Sierra Club’s Efforts to Support Maui Hikina
Although the Water Commission ordered water restored to some streams in 2018, it did not consider 13 other streams in Maui Hikina, and the Huelo area in particular. Later that year, the Sierra Club Hawai‘i…
Nā Moku & the fight for water in Maui Hikina
Families in Maui Hikina have been fighting for the return of their streams and their way of life since the 19th century. In 2001, kalo farmers started a new legal battle to restore streamflow, and…
The Return of Waiola Spring
Who says “you can’t go back”? The return of water to Nā Wai ‘Ehā proved that wrong, and the story of Waiola Spring is a classic example. Waiola (“Water of Life”) is the name of…